If, you take a look back at my previous blog posts which I have listed below. You will find I have written a fair deal about putting together an SEO Strategy plan and how it can increase your position as well as your traffic to your site. 

After reading all of these articles, you will see that they have a lot in common. Google is what you should focus on when forming your SEO strategy plan. It is your best way forward at attaining traffic. 

1. Establish Your Objective

Your first approach is to establish an objective of what you intend to achieve. Without a goal, you won’t recognize if you’re being successful. You likewise can’t evaluate what it will require to reach your objective. 

  • Decide just how much traffic you want, exactly to gain from your web content by the end of each month or the quarter. 
  • Begin by estimating just how much content you need to publish to get to your target. 
  • Now get to work.

2. Your Content Calendar


Right, with that done, it is time to:-

  • make a list of the topics for your content calendar – Your content can be a mix of written, recordings or video. 
  • You will also need to develop a publishing routine – You will find you will get a lot more done if you have a calendar to help you. I currently use post-its on my bedroom wall and Trello, that’s the system that works for me. 
  • The trick is to commit and be consistent in your publishing schedule. Once you have established that, then it’s on to the fun part. Start creating.

When creating your articles and content, be sure to do your research and locate the keyword that you assume will certainly attract your audience and give you great outcomes. 

Once you have generated a list, you need to position them on your website

  • Use your keyword 2-3 times on each page
  • The title tag should include your crucial keyword
  • Heading tags should have your essential keyword or keyword phrases
  • Include the keywords in your meta description
  • Use keywords in hypertext web links

Remember, your intent is to place keyword phrases that suggest that people are looking for what you have to supply.

4. Publish And Monitor Your Rankings   

After publishing your work, keep track and watch your position and the traffic to your site with a rank tracker. There is no guarantee the keywords you have chosen will work, but you can:-

  • Keep track of each keyword position by using Jaaxy’s Site Rank feature, which is included in their Keyword Research Tool.
  • Make a spreadsheet of your keywords to help you keep track

If you see your content is not positioned well:-

  • Tweak and alter any keywords for better performance or
  •  Develop extra content based on various other key phrases. 

When you release your brand-new piece of content, the next step is to spend time sharing it on social media. Produce quality content and you stand a higher chance that your audience will connect to it and share. 

  • If you have a mailing list, email your subscribers every week.

6. Rinse And Repeat 


Repeating your SEO strategy plan will help you maintain your publishing routine. You can share both your old and also brand-new content on social media. Continue to be consistent and don’t stop.

7. Analyze And Adjust Your SEO Strategy Plan 

Last, of all, you should step back from time to time to analyze your SEO strategy plan

  • Is your SEO method still working? 
  • What can you do differently? 
  • Do you need to compose longer articles? 
  • Maybe you may need to incorporate more images
  • Market more on social media 
  • Maybe include audio and more videos within your material?

Keep learning and fine-tuning your SEO and adjust your methods and actions as the algorithms change. 

I would certainly love to know if you found this article helpful! Please let me know by leaving your comments below and don’t forget to grab your complimentary Search Engine Optimization checklist, guaranteed to make your blog posts SEO ready to drive more traffic to your website and grow your business

Disclaimer: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that are at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. 

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